March 8

Today Logan went to his friend Wyatt’s birthday party and I brought my camera with the intention of taking pictures.  I forgot my SD card though, so no photos.  Instead you have to settle for the picture of my busted knee on my busted phone.

I ran in the Grand Canyon University Run to Fight Children’s Cancer 10k this morning and tripped over a crack in the sidewalk and fell on my knee and busted my phone somewhere around the 3.5 mile mark.  I got back up and finished, but this was the result!

That aside, I was pretty happy I was able to do the run I did, because getting the flu seriously killed my ability to do cardio for over three weeks, so I only had about a week to start running again before the race.  I was slower than last time with an 11:33 mile pace, but I guess that’s pretty good considering I was even less prepared for this race than the last one despite my best efforts!   Well I’m back to running now and on to the next one 🙂

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